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Is Dental Treatment Possible During Pregnancy

Is Dental Treatment Possible During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women notice changes in their gums. The reason for noticing this condition is the enlarged, red-looking gums that bleed while brushing the teeth. In some women, their gums may swell and bleed during pregnancy. These changes are called pregnancy gingivitis. This condition generally begins to manifest itself in the second month of pregnancy. However, these problems continue until the eighth month of pregnancy. This situation decreases with the birth of the baby and ends.

Can Dental Treatment Be Applied During Pregnancy?

Dental treatment should be applied in a situation where there is severe pain and inflammation during pregnancy. In a situation where treatment is not applied, a treatment is applied that will not affect the health of the mother and baby. In the absence of a special situation, there is no risk of tooth extraction. However, sessions during dental treatment should be kept short. The best method during pregnancy is for the dentist and the obstetrician to decide on the treatment together. This is true for every month of pregnancy.

How Should Dental Care Be Taken During Pregnancy?

Oral and dental problems during pregnancy are a condition that affects both the mother and the baby. For this reason, dental check-ups are even more important during pregnancy. However, if the mother does not have a special condition, there is no problem in dental treatment or tooth extraction.

What Causes Gum Problems During Pregnancy?

The reason for the emergence of gum problems during pregnancy is the increase in hormones, estrogen and sensitivity to irritants in the plaque of the gums. But the main reason is plaques. In order to minimize these problems experienced during pregnancy, the mother should pay attention to oral and dental hygiene.

Is Oral and Dental Health Important During Pregnancy for Baby’s Development?

Tooth and gum problems that occur in the mother during pregnancy increase the likelihood of the baby falling out, putting the baby’s life at risk. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to their oral care and dental health.

What Should You Do To Protect Dental Health During Pregnancy?

Change Your Tooth Brush

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent gum pain during pregnancy, as pregnancy hormones can cause your gums to swell. Using a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth will also help relieve any discomfort and sensitivity that may occur in your gums. You can get advice from your dentist about the brand.

Take Vitamin Supplements

Consult your doctor and take vitamin C and calcium supplements to help keep your teeth healthy and strong. Also, choose the foods you consume carefully, because the foods consumed during pregnancy are really important for bone growth and development for both you and your baby.

Pay Attentıon To Your Lıkes

Try to control your appetite during pregnancy. The best for dental health is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet filled with fresh greens and dairy products. In order not to experience toothache during pregnancy, try to avoid especially sugary foods, these types of foods can lead to tooth decay and other health problems.

Follow a healthy, balanced diet. Your baby’s first teeth begin to form during pregnancy. Dietary routines that include dairy products, cheese and yogurt are good sources of essential minerals for you and your baby, and are very beneficial for your baby’s developing teeth, gums and bones.

Consume Plenty of Water

Consumption of plenty of water is very important during pregnancy as it is in our daily life. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to a decrease in salivary secretion, which will cause dry mouth. You can avoid this problem by drinking plenty of water and chewing sugar-free gum to keep your mouth moist.

Do Not Skıp Your Routıne Dental Controls

Do not skip your dental exam appointments because of pregnancy. In this process, more than ever, regular periodontal (gum) examinations are very important, because pregnancy causes hormonal changes that provide an environment for gum pain and sensitive gums that make it easier to inflame and bleed.

Examine your gums regularly during pregnancy and pay special attention to any changes. If tenderness, bleeding or gum swelling occurs at any time during your pregnancy, talk to your dentist or periodontist as soon as possible.

Avoıd Teeth Whıtenıng Products Contaınıng Peroxıde

Delay using peroxide-containing teeth whitening products until after pregnancy, as the oxidation process can be harmful to the developing baby.

Do Not Use Unnecessary Medıcatıon

Avoid taking any medication while pregnant unless your doctor recommends it. Many antibiotics and over-the-counter pain relievers can affect a baby’s development, including discoloration of the teeth.

Delay Dental Treatments

If you have toothache during pregnancy, be sure to visit your dentist and tell your dentist that you are pregnant. Routine dental checkups and any emergency procedures can be done at any time during pregnancy. However, optional dental procedures should be postponed until after birth. This also applies to filling treatment. Ask your dentist whether replacing your existing fillings or placing a new filling can be delayed until after delivery. Before your dental appointment, be sure to talk to your obstetrician to ask if there is anything special about you.

If urgent action is required, explain to your dentist the names and dosages of all medications you take, including the medications your obstetrician recommends and prenatal vitamins, and any specific medical advice your doctor has given you. Your dentist may need to change your dental treatment plan based on this information.

Do Not Brush Your Teeth After Mornıng Nausea

If you are experiencing morning sickness, avoid brushing your teeth afterward, as stomach acids will cause the enamel to soften. Rinse your mouth with clean water and wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth.

Be Careful Of The Content Of The Thread You Use

Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol. Instead, gargle with this mixture by adding some sea salt to boiled and cooled water.

What Should You Do If You Have a Dental Health Problem During Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant and there is no problem in traveling, you can come to Turkey and get help from our clinic regarding your dental treatments. Our clinic provides fully equipped and ultra-luxury services at very low prices.

You can turn this experience into more wonderful memories by discovering Turkey during your treatment process. For information, you can contact us via our contact information on the Contact Us page.

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